my two cents..!..plausible suggestions..( taken from my post at orkut)
my angst then my suggestions will follow suit..indignation: 1. this is yet another political gimmic played by our health minister who has whored his soul to power,populism n puppetry.(aiims)..n his changing statements..( he changed his stance within 2 it 2 learn more) show clearly that he is yet another zealous (pseudo) reformer who wants to stamp his authority at least once in name of altruism..(rural health reforms..)..n we all know the minds of thespians of power game masquerading as altruism..( read arjun singh n v.p. singh..)..dont we..2. i hail from bihar...n recently government has introduced a one year temporary health service PHC care ..n they pay 18,000 per month..the system is working well in bihar ..though most of those who have joined are the foreign med grads 4m russia,romana vagairah...but what pleasant surprised me that almost 90% of phc's in my state..are duly mean achievement in a place where health n law had plummetted to its nadir jus 2 yrs what the centre seeks n asks from the coming med. grads. is mortgage,,the mortgage of having studied so it should be fair game..aint it..hardly..1..problem is this too simplistic line of argument for providing good health care n this would lead to increasing resentment..( jus like quota..complex problem..simplistic solution) max it would add 9,000 docs ( 4 mnths a yr9:since the rural health mission is 4mth in phc,4 mnth in district health centre, 4 mnth in sub-centre ..makes it 9000 x 4\12 that is 3000 docs extra at phc) mr. tambu fanny ravandoss himself admits that there is shortage at least 13,000 docs at how will he compensate..he plans to employ them foe all of 12 mnths each..making a mockery of original proposal..but u still end up 5,000 short mr. bamboo....n that too wid the resentment of med. fraternity..but as bamboo's history clearly underlines he has never played the truce game..all he is interested is in is " tiguna lagaan
how do i pay my mortgage..?
leftist freak/health ministry guy/ravan dose(RD): you medicos are selfish,elitist pigs..bloody we educated you so cheaply n u either flee to U.S, or colonize in metros while we politicians..the sons of our soil rot at our constituency....come on u ungrateful pigs...come on..its time to pay mortgage..!moi:..coming from a madras medical educated medico..who left his profession to pursue economics in U.S.A. on his father's money...n who is now health minister by suckling power nipple of his father..this allegation sounds a bit cheesy..still RD welcome to the company of ungratefuls "us"..hence forth it will be easier to deal wid u..RD: dont circle around the question,just answer it,,you US bound aashole...ya but we can have a party of ungratefuls in aiims guest house where i plan to kick venu's ass in full public view...but i mus say for all the bile of ur prose u are quite similar to sir, why dont iit ians pay mortgage?...why it is only us poor stressed docs..why can't you create 13,000 temporary PHC posts and pay them 20,000 a mnth...(it will cost u only 13,000X 2,40,000=370 crores each since your gvernment is so willing to shell out 12,000 crore as oil subsidyin past 6 mnths for ur ungrateful communist mates,...8,000 crore for primary education ...50,000 crore for the populist pay comission fatchecks of beaurocrats..then 370 crore wont hurt sir..even if u work out that for 6 yrs completion rural health mission (2008-13)of 370X 5...1850 crores..its a trifle sir...n plus it will be fast recruitment...why do u want to prolong our one years of misery instead of increasing GDP expenditure in public health from 0.9 to 1,2%)...why sir..why..RD: asshole,coz u r not a votebank, u middle class assholes dont vote,u r not even a minority, u r diverse from heterogenous background...bloody you cant be exploited for my electoral i have to show in the elctions to my illiterate benefactors n leftist is my pound of flesh all 370 crores
shylock and his pound of flesh..
moi..okay..uncle shylock ravan dose.....why r u fuckin wid us...we will protest..go to marches..sing rang de basanti on aiims flyovers...we will protest that this is not the right way for rural health reforms..uncle RD: because i have to show to the public your pound of flesh in the will be fun when u will protest in debates n i will turn it into an elitist vs. illiterates debate....this time i will definitely dont be so heartless..king of ungratefuls..can u listen to some of our suggestions..RD: okay..bako..!moi: if u have decided to have our pound of flesh n show it to electorate..could u do it more gently uncle shylock..suggestions..1. if u at all want to impose the rule..please curtail durn of mbbs to 4 or 31/2 yrs like US..since we medicos earn too late in profession as it is already2. you can give options to students in govt. medical colleges..either pay up 2,40,000 or do the service for 1 yr..many of em wd opt..3. you can encourage fmg from russia,romania etc. for rural services as an incentive...before they clear their screening exams..4. make this optional those doing temporary 1 yr rural service will have 25%quota in all india pg like already exists in many states like punjab,orissa...or give them extra marks..but bloody give a frredom of choice..damn it...n the numbers lacking you can fill up ad hoc..5. at least put up some money 370 crore a year instead of making a public orgy of our medical career in india which already has a delayed start..RD: u know these suggstions sound good n i had hundreds of suggestions like that before..but i am in no mood to relent..i want you to protest...n then i will bulldoze you protestors into submission...n that will make me more popular...this rural health will be my mandal goddamn it...!..n ya it will be fun to see you crushed like ur emblem of elitist meritocracy..the fuckin friggin venu...i am the system...n nobody tells me what to do..its either my way or the high way...!
the last song:epilogue
moi: grabs a placard n sings..hum honge kaamyaab..hum honge kaamyaaab..ek din..pom: my idealist brother public debate in india is dead...what we have at helm is not what it an impotent king presides as the pawns play wid the remote control...go have a beer n watch om shanti om...its funmoi: n where are u going..remember last time we sang kitne baazu kitne sir in aiims grounds in reservation issue..if u go who will shape india of my droms..pom: that dream has to wait my son...that dream has to braks out from a drunken, dreaming rant. in sweat....( last heard ' ungrateful'pom n his alter ego were seen in a line of visa counter at american embassy....)
moi...itni bakwaas kisne likhi...are u the one who irritated ppl here wid ur stats show-off..pom: (sheepishly)..yes..but that was a skewed representation of forcibly..): fuck off YOU HYPOCRITE...step 2 exams are near..u wasted my 1 n half hour in this crap....go to hell...pom: (QUOTING sartre). HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR UNCLE RD.....HELL IS OTHERS...MY SON..HELL IS OTHERS..!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
3 months....didnt write anything new...nothing interesting to sometimes seemed like a daily chore..on other days it was happening....passion has become episodic and i sometimes seem to fall in rut of why am i writing this....well with all that was boring in past 3 months..there was something that was " aha"..bout them....
am sharing them wid u..
1. books: the last mughal,string theory,fermat's last theorem,
2. movies: manorama 6 feet under,when harry met sally,
am sharing them wid u..
1. books: the last mughal,string theory,fermat's last theorem,
2. movies: manorama 6 feet under,when harry met sally,
Friday, August 24, 2007
look back in anger...
this article has been written by an unsually sensitive n intelligent person called sumit..who is working as a soft-ware professional in mumbai..n also engages in theatre as his hobby. i am still reeling under impact of this perceptive analysis. it for urself...
I was very confused about this “The-cause” and “art-for-cause” thing. Here, I am just pondering over what I have seen and gone through and trying to find an answere to the doubts in my head…
दुनिया न जीत सको, तो ख़ुद को न हारो तुम,थोड़ी बहुत तो ज़हन में नाराज़गी रहे(Even if you don’t win the world, don’t loose yourself,Just make sure you preserve some anger in your soul)
These lines by nida fazli describe jimmy porter, the prtagonist of Look back in anger the best. Its a 1956 play by John Osborne which was later made into film in 57,I havnt seen the film, here I am just talking about the play that I have read
Jimmy, wanted to be the part a revolution and change the world. He wanted to fight for a cause in the post world war England where the rich were becoming richer and poor poorer. The rich complained that so much has changed and the poor that nothing has. The crumbling economy of state after the world war had filled the educated youth of England with angst, specially the ones who belonged to middle or lower middle class families. Thats what happens with the middle class people, they are learned enough to see whats going on, to identify the real trouble and the trouble makers but at the same time their own own financial condition stops them from reacting. In the end they are left with their angst ridden poetry against the system in which they are halfheartedly trying to make a living. That Half heartedness is eighther becuase of their cynicism or out of their contempt for themself for not having fought for the cause, the real reason, they themselves dont know. That cynicism lead jimmy to finally screwing up his own personal life, his relation with his wife who belonged to the upper strata of the society.
What I loved about Look Back in Anger is the way it portrays a man caught in the difficult times, in the conflict of being a hero of war and a survivor in the real world. His wife says about him, “Jimmy wanted to be the knight in the shining armor, its just that his armor didnt shine too much”. Now when I look at DJ of RDB, I think what was he ,A Kind of a Jimmy porter, who becomes a part of a war and achieves heroism. But the problem I see with those 4 reactionaries in RDB is, all through they were disillusioned, purposeless fellows whiling away their time and life, living in the world of “magnets and miracles” which the safe boundaries of their college provided. And after they do this film on Freedom fighters, they seem to have found a cause,a purpose in life. We all are actually looking for a war to fight for, a war where our abilities can make us win and be a hero. But then these 4 guys are the ones with no evident particular ability, and thus being a revolutionary becomes the easiest thing to do. Thats being unkind on my part but thats the truth for a lot of people who joined the naxalite movement,not all of them were as brilliant as charu Mazumdar who started it. A lot of people who join NGOs and so to say FEEL for a cause are the ones who are looking for a purpose, a CAUSE, a war where there limited abilities can be put to use to make them heroes. In every movement all the people who are a part of it are not focussed men-of-action, most of them are wannabe-martyrs seeking redemption from their confused lives, and they are the people who end up screwing the revolution, their own life and the life of dear ones. If you look at RDB on paper and pen without that wonderful background score, without the camera you actually feel this about those charecters but the problem is that somehow we are not ready to talk about non-heroes. I am not denying the existence of heroes who do change the world but then if I have to look at people like those 4 guys in RDB, I would like to look at them cynically. Well, ofcourse it was Rakesh Mehras take on it, what I am saying here is my point of view. Now if I narrate the story of the film to a friend of mine who hasnt seen the film , I would say, “Its a strory of 4 people who dont know how to look straight in life, who are utterly confused and in an effort to prove a point these young disilusioned guys kill the defence minister because they thought that killing one minister will change the system, and finally even they get killed. Well thats what happens when you dont use your upper story for a long time in life, you end up screwing your life and the life of people around you”. I look at these four charecters with cynicism, I wont sing the song ROOBAROO to underline their heroism.
It just makes me feel that craft helps you in passive lying, what appears contemptible on pen and paper becomes deified when put with AR rehmans composition.
Thats why look back in anger becomes so special, its a story of a waana-be warior who is now living a screwed up life. Probably he is what sidhart tayyabji from HKA will be after the film is over, he will be an anger ridden cynical man with guilt-soaked morality for having screwed up the revolution and his relationship with Geeta. Thats what Jimmy was, except they both belonged to different economic stratas. This is why I find HKA and look Back in anger more honest efforts than RDB.
I thought, why would some one spend crores of rupees and 1 year of his life to make RDB,… to change the world? well, I dont think so. I wondered what did Rakesh mehra tell his team when he started making the film..”Lets change the world” or “We have a product which will sell for sure”. Now if anybody is making films for changing-the-world, then I would suggest him to put his effort and money in making a political party, fight elections and get into the assembly, that will be a more rational and effective way of doing it. Passouts from IIT are doing it, they have a party named Paritrana.
Digressing a bit here into my personal story to ponder over this art-for-cause thing…then I will get to Black Friday
During my B.Tech 1st year I made a play with my seniors on the life of AIDS patients and during the whole process, everybody claimed how much we FEEL their pain and how we wanted to work for the CAUSE. Well, I never felt their pain nor did I work for the cause, I just enjoyed working with one of the most talented people I had met till then, I enjoyed writing the script, I enjoyed writing the poems on the posters,I enjoyed playing the charecter. But all that claim of CAUSE-thing by my revered seniors left me confused. I felt that something is wrong with me, probably they feel something I am not capable of feeling. I was 19 then, trying to figure out the purpose of my post IIT entrance life. Some time later theatre-gang from my college did a lot of street plays to collect money for Tsunami relief fund, I abstained from it. I had put my contribution in the charity box but I was accused of running away from the responsiblity of a theatre person…”this is why theatre is done” kind of thing was told to me. I didnt agree with it. My reason for not being a part of their endeavours was that they all were not doing it in a very creative way. But again I was perturbed, I felt that I lacked some kind of sensibility which others seem to have.
Later I read a play “sir..Sir..Sarla” and I fell in love with the charecter of Fanidhar. I decided that I will direct it but then all those questions started haunting me. What does society get out of it? what social statement am I making? what change am I attempting in the world around me? what insight do I give about the social-political-economic state of our time? And then I asked my self, Do I really want to change anything around me? The answere was difficult to accept, it was NO. I felt guilty about it but I went ahead with sir.. sir.. sarla all the same. After the end of the show, I realised what I have got from it. I played the role of fanidhar, a clumsy, diffident, massochist, martyr-lover filled with rage against the person whom he treated as god for not having helped him in getting the woman he loved. All the time I felt I was just playing myself. And the knowledge of being a fanidhar, this identification with fanidhar stopped me from being a fanidhar. Its like the heisenbergs-uncertainity prinicple in physics, the moment light strikes the elctron to pass on the information about its position, its momentum changes. The time I realised I was a FANIDHAR, I stopped being one. The lover-martyr in me died after the play was over, thats how the play contributed to my life, I dont know how it contributed to the lives of my audience, that was not my botheration eigther.
Coming to Black Friday, Anurag Kashyap has written in his post ( )
“is that why you made the film mr. kashyap..didn’t you make the film so people will call you a great they will applaud you,so they will praise you..i don’t gotta know..why did i made the film..i was affected by the book greatly..i had no notion of greatness..hell i just wanted to do it right..half the time i was insecure about my own political maturity..i made life hell for Arindam..i had so many constant doubts that he started getting one point we were exchanging letters..showing it to other people for reassurance..there was so much pressure to be right that what seemed wrong was deemed wrong..there was no room for mistakes..”
thats how I felt for the AIDS play…”so people will call you a great, theatre artist”. Anurag has given a wonderful answere which satisfies a lot of questions, he says “I was affected by the book greatly”. I think thats all, thats reason enough. He never said that he felt the pain
of Badshah khan, or the victims so much that he wanted to change the world. Well the film does sympathise with Badshah khan but it also says to him “Tiger memon made an ass hole of you, because you are one.” Its the same thing, “if you dont use your upper story, you get screwed nd end up screwing a lot of other people”, thats the story of a lots of reactionaries, lots of DJs, lots of Sidhart Tayyabjis,lots of Badshah Khans who FEEL_FOR_THE_CAUSE. I asked him once, how has Black Friday affected you and he said “Gulal was just a romantic film when I had written it before Black Friday, later it became a politcal film”. Anurag himself admits that he was insecure about his political maturity during Black friday, perhaps this is what the film has given him, a more mature understanding of the set up he is living in, and I think thats what your art form does to you, in a way it redeems you. A physics proff once said to me that a student should do science only out of curiosity, only if he is curious to know how it all happens. Now I have come to believe that its true for art also. Its your own curiosity to understand the world you live in, to explore how this place runs and because of this you dig deeper into the system to figure out the political, economic, social truths. Perhaps that is the reason behind Black Friday or Hazaron khwaishein Aisi orthe creation of acharecter like Jimmy Porter. I dont think there was a Feel-for-cause to create them, it was satisfying their own curiosity and enjoying the process of creating it. After watching HKA, I tried to find out about the naxalite movement, about charu Mazaumdar and that 70s time.Tthats what I got from it, curiosity. Same is true for Black Friday.
So, if you keep making films about “pyaar mohabbat coca cola” or about gang lords then it means you are not curious enough to find more about the world you live in.
Now coming to all those people who feel for the cause like DJ and the people who WANT to make people feel for the cause through their art form like Rakesh Mehra. They both share a very interesting relationship. The Rakesh Mehra’s of the world create the real DJ’s of the world and for this they get paid heavily. A lot of romantic patriots were born after watching the film and quiet a few RDB style protests happened, but the only difference was, that during their protests AR Rehman was not playing the background score!!Again I am sounding a bit cynial but I dont intend to offend the subhash chandra bose’s of the world who are very clear about what they are doing!! I find this whole thing of FEELING and making-others-feel very dubious. In a documentary on fidel Castro, one of his friend says about him, “He always said that he wanted to be famous and powerful”. Perhaps we need to look at the movement , the cause behind the movement and the people behind the movement at different levels. The purpose of the movement and the purpose of the people are two different things, we tend to see them as one.
The way we feel and the way we claim to feel is most of the time very different, but calling this difference- hypocracy would be very cliche, I think it is our ignorance of ourself. Forget the revolution, even in terms of human relationships, this difference is there. There is a scene in Five Point someone where Neha is crying infront of her BF Hari, while she talks about how her brother committed suicide and Hari is thinking that “this is a good time to kiss her”. That was being brutally honest!! Never in a film I have seen the meanness of a lover who at the same time is really in love. This meanness is there in every relationship, for a split second a thought crosses your mind that if your mother did die, your life would become easier for you, but then you shudder on it. Unfortunately no one captures that split second thought or that shuddering in a film, in a film mother-son relationship is always heavenly.”Riding the bullet” is one film which does this upto a level.
The whole idea of feeling “love” the way we are supposed to FEEL, gets question marked there. And if you start thinking too much, you end up thinking that all your life you keep feeling things which you thought you were supposed to feel and this sickening thought can drive you crazy, you start feeling that what you feel is not for real.
I never felt like how a revolutionary is supposed to feel, I dont know that feeling at all. Forget the revolution, I have always been accused of lacking compassion by people who confided in me, specially by the women who treated me like a confession box, they always felt that I treated their grief-stricken narrations like interesting stories and when my interest died I wasn’t caring enough. It was initially disturbing to know that I am not “Sensitive”, but now I have come to believe that nobody is, its just that some are good actors and some are not, and not being actor enough while I am being an audience is what hurts me now.
So, with all the doubts on my sensibility and curiosity, I continue to find a purpose behind what I am trying to do…
I was very confused about this “The-cause” and “art-for-cause” thing. Here, I am just pondering over what I have seen and gone through and trying to find an answere to the doubts in my head…
दुनिया न जीत सको, तो ख़ुद को न हारो तुम,थोड़ी बहुत तो ज़हन में नाराज़गी रहे(Even if you don’t win the world, don’t loose yourself,Just make sure you preserve some anger in your soul)
These lines by nida fazli describe jimmy porter, the prtagonist of Look back in anger the best. Its a 1956 play by John Osborne which was later made into film in 57,I havnt seen the film, here I am just talking about the play that I have read
Jimmy, wanted to be the part a revolution and change the world. He wanted to fight for a cause in the post world war England where the rich were becoming richer and poor poorer. The rich complained that so much has changed and the poor that nothing has. The crumbling economy of state after the world war had filled the educated youth of England with angst, specially the ones who belonged to middle or lower middle class families. Thats what happens with the middle class people, they are learned enough to see whats going on, to identify the real trouble and the trouble makers but at the same time their own own financial condition stops them from reacting. In the end they are left with their angst ridden poetry against the system in which they are halfheartedly trying to make a living. That Half heartedness is eighther becuase of their cynicism or out of their contempt for themself for not having fought for the cause, the real reason, they themselves dont know. That cynicism lead jimmy to finally screwing up his own personal life, his relation with his wife who belonged to the upper strata of the society.
What I loved about Look Back in Anger is the way it portrays a man caught in the difficult times, in the conflict of being a hero of war and a survivor in the real world. His wife says about him, “Jimmy wanted to be the knight in the shining armor, its just that his armor didnt shine too much”. Now when I look at DJ of RDB, I think what was he ,A Kind of a Jimmy porter, who becomes a part of a war and achieves heroism. But the problem I see with those 4 reactionaries in RDB is, all through they were disillusioned, purposeless fellows whiling away their time and life, living in the world of “magnets and miracles” which the safe boundaries of their college provided. And after they do this film on Freedom fighters, they seem to have found a cause,a purpose in life. We all are actually looking for a war to fight for, a war where our abilities can make us win and be a hero. But then these 4 guys are the ones with no evident particular ability, and thus being a revolutionary becomes the easiest thing to do. Thats being unkind on my part but thats the truth for a lot of people who joined the naxalite movement,not all of them were as brilliant as charu Mazumdar who started it. A lot of people who join NGOs and so to say FEEL for a cause are the ones who are looking for a purpose, a CAUSE, a war where there limited abilities can be put to use to make them heroes. In every movement all the people who are a part of it are not focussed men-of-action, most of them are wannabe-martyrs seeking redemption from their confused lives, and they are the people who end up screwing the revolution, their own life and the life of dear ones. If you look at RDB on paper and pen without that wonderful background score, without the camera you actually feel this about those charecters but the problem is that somehow we are not ready to talk about non-heroes. I am not denying the existence of heroes who do change the world but then if I have to look at people like those 4 guys in RDB, I would like to look at them cynically. Well, ofcourse it was Rakesh Mehras take on it, what I am saying here is my point of view. Now if I narrate the story of the film to a friend of mine who hasnt seen the film , I would say, “Its a strory of 4 people who dont know how to look straight in life, who are utterly confused and in an effort to prove a point these young disilusioned guys kill the defence minister because they thought that killing one minister will change the system, and finally even they get killed. Well thats what happens when you dont use your upper story for a long time in life, you end up screwing your life and the life of people around you”. I look at these four charecters with cynicism, I wont sing the song ROOBAROO to underline their heroism.
It just makes me feel that craft helps you in passive lying, what appears contemptible on pen and paper becomes deified when put with AR rehmans composition.
Thats why look back in anger becomes so special, its a story of a waana-be warior who is now living a screwed up life. Probably he is what sidhart tayyabji from HKA will be after the film is over, he will be an anger ridden cynical man with guilt-soaked morality for having screwed up the revolution and his relationship with Geeta. Thats what Jimmy was, except they both belonged to different economic stratas. This is why I find HKA and look Back in anger more honest efforts than RDB.
I thought, why would some one spend crores of rupees and 1 year of his life to make RDB,… to change the world? well, I dont think so. I wondered what did Rakesh mehra tell his team when he started making the film..”Lets change the world” or “We have a product which will sell for sure”. Now if anybody is making films for changing-the-world, then I would suggest him to put his effort and money in making a political party, fight elections and get into the assembly, that will be a more rational and effective way of doing it. Passouts from IIT are doing it, they have a party named Paritrana.
Digressing a bit here into my personal story to ponder over this art-for-cause thing…then I will get to Black Friday
During my B.Tech 1st year I made a play with my seniors on the life of AIDS patients and during the whole process, everybody claimed how much we FEEL their pain and how we wanted to work for the CAUSE. Well, I never felt their pain nor did I work for the cause, I just enjoyed working with one of the most talented people I had met till then, I enjoyed writing the script, I enjoyed writing the poems on the posters,I enjoyed playing the charecter. But all that claim of CAUSE-thing by my revered seniors left me confused. I felt that something is wrong with me, probably they feel something I am not capable of feeling. I was 19 then, trying to figure out the purpose of my post IIT entrance life. Some time later theatre-gang from my college did a lot of street plays to collect money for Tsunami relief fund, I abstained from it. I had put my contribution in the charity box but I was accused of running away from the responsiblity of a theatre person…”this is why theatre is done” kind of thing was told to me. I didnt agree with it. My reason for not being a part of their endeavours was that they all were not doing it in a very creative way. But again I was perturbed, I felt that I lacked some kind of sensibility which others seem to have.
Later I read a play “sir..Sir..Sarla” and I fell in love with the charecter of Fanidhar. I decided that I will direct it but then all those questions started haunting me. What does society get out of it? what social statement am I making? what change am I attempting in the world around me? what insight do I give about the social-political-economic state of our time? And then I asked my self, Do I really want to change anything around me? The answere was difficult to accept, it was NO. I felt guilty about it but I went ahead with sir.. sir.. sarla all the same. After the end of the show, I realised what I have got from it. I played the role of fanidhar, a clumsy, diffident, massochist, martyr-lover filled with rage against the person whom he treated as god for not having helped him in getting the woman he loved. All the time I felt I was just playing myself. And the knowledge of being a fanidhar, this identification with fanidhar stopped me from being a fanidhar. Its like the heisenbergs-uncertainity prinicple in physics, the moment light strikes the elctron to pass on the information about its position, its momentum changes. The time I realised I was a FANIDHAR, I stopped being one. The lover-martyr in me died after the play was over, thats how the play contributed to my life, I dont know how it contributed to the lives of my audience, that was not my botheration eigther.
Coming to Black Friday, Anurag Kashyap has written in his post ( )
“is that why you made the film mr. kashyap..didn’t you make the film so people will call you a great they will applaud you,so they will praise you..i don’t gotta know..why did i made the film..i was affected by the book greatly..i had no notion of greatness..hell i just wanted to do it right..half the time i was insecure about my own political maturity..i made life hell for Arindam..i had so many constant doubts that he started getting one point we were exchanging letters..showing it to other people for reassurance..there was so much pressure to be right that what seemed wrong was deemed wrong..there was no room for mistakes..”
thats how I felt for the AIDS play…”so people will call you a great, theatre artist”. Anurag has given a wonderful answere which satisfies a lot of questions, he says “I was affected by the book greatly”. I think thats all, thats reason enough. He never said that he felt the pain
of Badshah khan, or the victims so much that he wanted to change the world. Well the film does sympathise with Badshah khan but it also says to him “Tiger memon made an ass hole of you, because you are one.” Its the same thing, “if you dont use your upper story, you get screwed nd end up screwing a lot of other people”, thats the story of a lots of reactionaries, lots of DJs, lots of Sidhart Tayyabjis,lots of Badshah Khans who FEEL_FOR_THE_CAUSE. I asked him once, how has Black Friday affected you and he said “Gulal was just a romantic film when I had written it before Black Friday, later it became a politcal film”. Anurag himself admits that he was insecure about his political maturity during Black friday, perhaps this is what the film has given him, a more mature understanding of the set up he is living in, and I think thats what your art form does to you, in a way it redeems you. A physics proff once said to me that a student should do science only out of curiosity, only if he is curious to know how it all happens. Now I have come to believe that its true for art also. Its your own curiosity to understand the world you live in, to explore how this place runs and because of this you dig deeper into the system to figure out the political, economic, social truths. Perhaps that is the reason behind Black Friday or Hazaron khwaishein Aisi orthe creation of acharecter like Jimmy Porter. I dont think there was a Feel-for-cause to create them, it was satisfying their own curiosity and enjoying the process of creating it. After watching HKA, I tried to find out about the naxalite movement, about charu Mazaumdar and that 70s time.Tthats what I got from it, curiosity. Same is true for Black Friday.
So, if you keep making films about “pyaar mohabbat coca cola” or about gang lords then it means you are not curious enough to find more about the world you live in.
Now coming to all those people who feel for the cause like DJ and the people who WANT to make people feel for the cause through their art form like Rakesh Mehra. They both share a very interesting relationship. The Rakesh Mehra’s of the world create the real DJ’s of the world and for this they get paid heavily. A lot of romantic patriots were born after watching the film and quiet a few RDB style protests happened, but the only difference was, that during their protests AR Rehman was not playing the background score!!Again I am sounding a bit cynial but I dont intend to offend the subhash chandra bose’s of the world who are very clear about what they are doing!! I find this whole thing of FEELING and making-others-feel very dubious. In a documentary on fidel Castro, one of his friend says about him, “He always said that he wanted to be famous and powerful”. Perhaps we need to look at the movement , the cause behind the movement and the people behind the movement at different levels. The purpose of the movement and the purpose of the people are two different things, we tend to see them as one.
The way we feel and the way we claim to feel is most of the time very different, but calling this difference- hypocracy would be very cliche, I think it is our ignorance of ourself. Forget the revolution, even in terms of human relationships, this difference is there. There is a scene in Five Point someone where Neha is crying infront of her BF Hari, while she talks about how her brother committed suicide and Hari is thinking that “this is a good time to kiss her”. That was being brutally honest!! Never in a film I have seen the meanness of a lover who at the same time is really in love. This meanness is there in every relationship, for a split second a thought crosses your mind that if your mother did die, your life would become easier for you, but then you shudder on it. Unfortunately no one captures that split second thought or that shuddering in a film, in a film mother-son relationship is always heavenly.”Riding the bullet” is one film which does this upto a level.
The whole idea of feeling “love” the way we are supposed to FEEL, gets question marked there. And if you start thinking too much, you end up thinking that all your life you keep feeling things which you thought you were supposed to feel and this sickening thought can drive you crazy, you start feeling that what you feel is not for real.
I never felt like how a revolutionary is supposed to feel, I dont know that feeling at all. Forget the revolution, I have always been accused of lacking compassion by people who confided in me, specially by the women who treated me like a confession box, they always felt that I treated their grief-stricken narrations like interesting stories and when my interest died I wasn’t caring enough. It was initially disturbing to know that I am not “Sensitive”, but now I have come to believe that nobody is, its just that some are good actors and some are not, and not being actor enough while I am being an audience is what hurts me now.
So, with all the doubts on my sensibility and curiosity, I continue to find a purpose behind what I am trying to do…
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
stepping it up....usmle step 1 experience...taken from my post at prep 4
hi, the cliche goes i have been secretly observing the posts here....withoout having contributed till now...because i wanted to get my score first n then share the that i got the score n pretty decent one at that....i feel obliged to give back some of the things i have taken from the community....
exam taken 30th july .
score reported 22nd august. 239\99
my experience.
well i am doing my pg in pulmonary medicine in india and i studied with the bits n pieces time i had.
1st reading wid tapes. (4 hrs/day). 3mths..didnt touch the books 3mths after i was busy with my thesis.
2nd reading. 1mth(8hrs\day)
3rd reading..system wise(wid questions 4m u-world)...2 weeks
final all exam posts on prep 4 usmle...n noted some of my weak topics(1 day) essentials( 4 days)
u can see mine was not a typical preparation as i operated under various constraints...i have to admit that exam was frighteningly close to u-world...n i regret having done less of them..though i am a theory type person...i could not do all marked n weak topics on u-world..n i got at least 10 questions wrong on exam because of that.
advice in hindsight.
1st read wid kaplan tapes( goljan for path..i didnt do it because of lack of time..but they are damn good..)...(2-3 mths)
2nd read with u-world questions....mark the questions u got wrong...(1.5 mths)
3rd read. (3weeks00 wid focus on ur weak areas n topics.(nything less familiar in book on ur3rd read is ur weak link)
final revision(1 week). med-essentials..must..beautiful book.!(along wid questions u got wrong or had to think over in u-world)
: well it was pretty clinical,lots of ct images,eg: they showed up spleen in ct n asked its embryological origin, lots of brain sections on bord..for example they described a person with kluver bucy like symptoms n asked to recognise the site of lesion.on section. the famous visual fields were there..n i got superior quandratopia wrong...!!!..which lobe lesion causes it?....
advice: study HY gross anat wid kaplan . do neuroanat sections well. brace urself to read ct.prepare urself for nerve lesions. embryo will be simple.just learn arches n derivatives well..don research on it.
2. BIOCHEM: carbohydrate metab questions n purine metab dominated. few of questions stat from u-world. n i got them wrong due to lack of revision. questions on sorbitol metabplism n reducing sugar.fructosuria et al.
advice: kaplan material is the best. lionel rayman is the best teacher around. (after goljan ). u-world questions r excellent. THIS IS THE SUBJECT FOLKS. YOU CAN SECURE ALMOST 100% MARKS IN IT. JUST STUDY IT LAST SO THAT U DONT 4GET PATHWAYS, M MORE THAN SURE U CAN GET IT ALMOST 100% right.
3. GENETICS. i dunno what to say bout the subject. u cant anticipate its questions. lots of pedigree charts.,western blots, ..edward syndrome expressed in its genetic notation(i got it wrong). operon question as well.
advice: just study kaplan. solve lot of questions..u world n kaplan q bank.... biochem n genetics pre-test is good resource
4. PATHOLOGY. respi n cvs dominated..thankfully being a pulmonologist i aced it well...quite a few stroke questions.neuroanat mark the tracks.
my advice: do a systemic revision after 1st read. eg. cardiovascular physio..cardio pharma..then cardio path...
5. PHYSIO. endocrine n feedback loops dominated. along wid lots of respi n cardio. 2 questions of note. effect on physiological parameters of 2nd lung if one lung is removed. effect on physiological parameters of 2nd kidney if one kidney is removed.
my advice. do physio kap. notes followed b the questions at end of chapter. make it a habit to do the questions. even in 2nd n 3rd read as they reinforce ur concepts
5. micro n immuno.
study bacteria wid an emphasis on toxins. (4-6 questions on diarrheogenic bugs)got bombarded wid positive n negative sense rna viruses n their mechanism of actions. immuno though hard were solved as basics from kaplan( canal syndrome n mhc 2 deficiency) typical ones.
kaplan micro is the best kaplan book. read bacteria wid emphasis on pathogenesis only. read viruses n classification n mech. of action of positive n negative sense well. always do questions at back of each chap (specially in viro n immuno)even in 2nd n third read. immuno will be tough but the extensive immuno coverage n questions at back of chapters will help u ace it. use last 3 chapters 4 revision of baceriolg.
this will hit u folks from all places. prepare urself. i had quite a few graphical questions on pharmacokin n dynamics n alot of mechanism questions on antivirals n immunopharmacol.
my advice:
do katjung n trvor review questions ain ur weak area topics. always study a chapter wid mechanism of drugs , drug of choice in diseased states n side effects in mind.
i have not been able to figure out what hit me there. i got a lot of confusing questions on doctor-patient relationships n defenses. despite listening to daugherty tapes n these specific topics thrice n solving u-world questions. ( n some questions 4m kap. q bank)..i could solve only 50% of them confidently. rest were wild guesses in the wind. n lookin at my borderline performance in the subjects it was well the last straw..!
ask better people.
well i m bond at it in fact my pupils start twinkling when i see numbers..i would say it wid a sense of i hv a did lots of stats 4 my thesis..i scored a90% in u-world. n the exam was a fair a few questions on determination of power of studies n prevalence n ppv stuff..jus waltzed them through.
advice: kaplan text..lots of questions from wherever u get them.
the last word:
in the end..i will say only one thing. fortify ur weak areas. study ur strong areas normally...emphasise on pharma... if u cant improve all ur weak least splint some of them wid extra effort so that u can score well. overall in mean..( for example in second read on doin u-wrld questions i found dat i was terribly weak in behav. science n endo n repro as well as skin..)..i put an extra effort..i ended up getting a just above borderline score in behav. a decent score in endo n repro n i did pretty well in skin. i aced in cvs,respi,renal(all fundey waale which i was naturally good at.)
n in the end... do u-world,system wise revision, 9 wid an emphasis on ur weak systems) and med-essentials..i can assure u it will be a richly rewarding experience.
i love the forum. u can pose ur doubts. i will be more than happy to give back what i received from here.
exam taken 30th july .
score reported 22nd august. 239\99
my experience.
well i am doing my pg in pulmonary medicine in india and i studied with the bits n pieces time i had.
1st reading wid tapes. (4 hrs/day). 3mths..didnt touch the books 3mths after i was busy with my thesis.
2nd reading. 1mth(8hrs\day)
3rd reading..system wise(wid questions 4m u-world)...2 weeks
final all exam posts on prep 4 usmle...n noted some of my weak topics(1 day) essentials( 4 days)
u can see mine was not a typical preparation as i operated under various constraints...i have to admit that exam was frighteningly close to u-world...n i regret having done less of them..though i am a theory type person...i could not do all marked n weak topics on u-world..n i got at least 10 questions wrong on exam because of that.
advice in hindsight.
1st read wid kaplan tapes( goljan for path..i didnt do it because of lack of time..but they are damn good..)...(2-3 mths)
2nd read with u-world questions....mark the questions u got wrong...(1.5 mths)
3rd read. (3weeks00 wid focus on ur weak areas n topics.(nything less familiar in book on ur3rd read is ur weak link)
final revision(1 week). med-essentials..must..beautiful book.!(along wid questions u got wrong or had to think over in u-world)
: well it was pretty clinical,lots of ct images,eg: they showed up spleen in ct n asked its embryological origin, lots of brain sections on bord..for example they described a person with kluver bucy like symptoms n asked to recognise the site of lesion.on section. the famous visual fields were there..n i got superior quandratopia wrong...!!!..which lobe lesion causes it?....
advice: study HY gross anat wid kaplan . do neuroanat sections well. brace urself to read ct.prepare urself for nerve lesions. embryo will be simple.just learn arches n derivatives well..don research on it.
2. BIOCHEM: carbohydrate metab questions n purine metab dominated. few of questions stat from u-world. n i got them wrong due to lack of revision. questions on sorbitol metabplism n reducing sugar.fructosuria et al.
advice: kaplan material is the best. lionel rayman is the best teacher around. (after goljan ). u-world questions r excellent. THIS IS THE SUBJECT FOLKS. YOU CAN SECURE ALMOST 100% MARKS IN IT. JUST STUDY IT LAST SO THAT U DONT 4GET PATHWAYS, M MORE THAN SURE U CAN GET IT ALMOST 100% right.
3. GENETICS. i dunno what to say bout the subject. u cant anticipate its questions. lots of pedigree charts.,western blots, ..edward syndrome expressed in its genetic notation(i got it wrong). operon question as well.
advice: just study kaplan. solve lot of questions..u world n kaplan q bank.... biochem n genetics pre-test is good resource
4. PATHOLOGY. respi n cvs dominated..thankfully being a pulmonologist i aced it well...quite a few stroke questions.neuroanat mark the tracks.
my advice: do a systemic revision after 1st read. eg. cardiovascular physio..cardio pharma..then cardio path...
5. PHYSIO. endocrine n feedback loops dominated. along wid lots of respi n cardio. 2 questions of note. effect on physiological parameters of 2nd lung if one lung is removed. effect on physiological parameters of 2nd kidney if one kidney is removed.
my advice. do physio kap. notes followed b the questions at end of chapter. make it a habit to do the questions. even in 2nd n 3rd read as they reinforce ur concepts
5. micro n immuno.
study bacteria wid an emphasis on toxins. (4-6 questions on diarrheogenic bugs)got bombarded wid positive n negative sense rna viruses n their mechanism of actions. immuno though hard were solved as basics from kaplan( canal syndrome n mhc 2 deficiency) typical ones.
kaplan micro is the best kaplan book. read bacteria wid emphasis on pathogenesis only. read viruses n classification n mech. of action of positive n negative sense well. always do questions at back of each chap (specially in viro n immuno)even in 2nd n third read. immuno will be tough but the extensive immuno coverage n questions at back of chapters will help u ace it. use last 3 chapters 4 revision of baceriolg.
this will hit u folks from all places. prepare urself. i had quite a few graphical questions on pharmacokin n dynamics n alot of mechanism questions on antivirals n immunopharmacol.
my advice:
do katjung n trvor review questions ain ur weak area topics. always study a chapter wid mechanism of drugs , drug of choice in diseased states n side effects in mind.
i have not been able to figure out what hit me there. i got a lot of confusing questions on doctor-patient relationships n defenses. despite listening to daugherty tapes n these specific topics thrice n solving u-world questions. ( n some questions 4m kap. q bank)..i could solve only 50% of them confidently. rest were wild guesses in the wind. n lookin at my borderline performance in the subjects it was well the last straw..!
ask better people.
well i m bond at it in fact my pupils start twinkling when i see numbers..i would say it wid a sense of i hv a did lots of stats 4 my thesis..i scored a90% in u-world. n the exam was a fair a few questions on determination of power of studies n prevalence n ppv stuff..jus waltzed them through.
advice: kaplan text..lots of questions from wherever u get them.
the last word:
in the end..i will say only one thing. fortify ur weak areas. study ur strong areas normally...emphasise on pharma... if u cant improve all ur weak least splint some of them wid extra effort so that u can score well. overall in mean..( for example in second read on doin u-wrld questions i found dat i was terribly weak in behav. science n endo n repro as well as skin..)..i put an extra effort..i ended up getting a just above borderline score in behav. a decent score in endo n repro n i did pretty well in skin. i aced in cvs,respi,renal(all fundey waale which i was naturally good at.)
n in the end... do u-world,system wise revision, 9 wid an emphasis on ur weak systems) and med-essentials..i can assure u it will be a richly rewarding experience.
i love the forum. u can pose ur doubts. i will be more than happy to give back what i received from here.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
ideal date....a wee too late...

every one has a concept of...a longing for...and a vaguely imagined sense of how an ideal date should be.....different people....different expectations....different takes.....
and...that is what i thought..i was confused..can an ideal date be not a first date an all too superficial n pretentious occasion...still a longing define visualise it... so that i could feel it without even experiencing it...till i read one article by PHALGUNA K....and on reading it..all my doubts vanished.....
here presenting it with my personal improvisations......and jus reading it is enough to send me in another world...
IDEAL DATE…………………….!
She would talk about everything..
About her….
About me….
About pancreatic insulinomas…
About how handsome john Abraham looks…
About how much she hates the mess food…
About how much she likes to swim, n gaze at the falling stars..
And how much she hates that there are no pools or rooftops nearby..
About why chicken at karim’s tastes better than chicken at Punjabi by nature..
About why she cried when Dumbledore died in harry potter….
About why stubble looks good only on Abhishek bacchan n not on me…
About why I should get a life,few emotions n a lot of taste buds…
And i…..
I would look at her,hold her face,smile n say I love you for the zillionth time…
And listen….
Just listen…
Thursday, August 9, 2007
yeh dil more...!
why another blog....?
it is said that in USA...every person who breathes,eats,shits.....n basically does everything that is routine n non-productive ( hindi mein meaning vellapanthi..) writes a blog....
so why this blog...well frens here i am not goin to write what i eat...what i shit...n what i did....i am generally goin to focus on things that touch me...that make me feel a part of larger self.....whether they be my own writings or not....
if u read n are remotely interested in things which touched me at one purpose is served...i have bonded wid another thread of humanity....!
it is said that in USA...every person who breathes,eats,shits.....n basically does everything that is routine n non-productive ( hindi mein meaning vellapanthi..) writes a blog....
so why this blog...well frens here i am not goin to write what i eat...what i shit...n what i did....i am generally goin to focus on things that touch me...that make me feel a part of larger self.....whether they be my own writings or not....
if u read n are remotely interested in things which touched me at one purpose is served...i have bonded wid another thread of humanity....!
the inside story....sudhir mishra..!
i don't know about you...but i consider hazaaron khwaahishein aisi to be the best indian movie in last 15 years...and yes...i know what i am saying at this moment....
here the director\screenplay writer of the movie ....sudhir mishra..the man who gave us Dharavi,yeh woh manzil to nahin n of course Hazaaron....himself shares his views on the society,indian cinema and parallel u read this u will be amazed by depth of his thoughts...
1.Popular Cinema
I personally think that most film makers in India are children and most films in India are childrens’ film and rather bad childrens’ films. Their notion of love is that of a fourteen year old. In all popular entertainment the notion of life is going retarded.
It’s an illusion which you make people buy into and you get rather hurt when they realize life is not like that. There’s very little difference between selling a fake notion of life and selling a fake product. It’s like advertising. You fall in love and you live happily ever after, is as stupid a notion as you use a fairness cream and you become fair. All are very idiotic notions, sold to the naive and people make a lot of money out of that.
If everything is about profit in its most crass sense and if the world is to be like that – then, great! But, I don’t think it is.
Don’t I sense a craving for popular cinema in the audiences?
Yes, I do see a craving for hope. There’s a craving for some kind of an illusionary world, because, to live with the real is very difficult. I might sound that I am very dismissive, but actually, they may be performing … and that’s why I am saying, I am trying not to bullshit and I am speaking as I think often.
When you bullshit, you also admit the possibility of being wrong. And I admit the possibility of being wrong.
And maybe popular cinema is helping them live their lives and to help pass another day and that may be a great service. It’s like religion. It’s like Sri Sri Ravishankar. I don’t know what he’s talking about half the time. Apparently he makes a lot of people happy, especially the guilty rich and who am I to say it’s wrong, when people find some solace there and find some reprieve there and find a way of life.
People, film makers or artists who probe uncomfortable truths – will never be popular.
2. Indian writing in English…
Everything is fine as long as you are truthful to your experience. I mean, for example Upamanyu Chatterjee’s book English August is the most arrogant piece of good writing that I’ve ever seen/read. The man is an absolute arrogant snoot who has no idea of anything else but his own life, but he writes it so well that the book becomes something. Because, he’s not pretending. In the end of the book, Upamanyu starts pretending- he starts thinking – ‘Oh how should I end my book, how should I make it socially relevant’ – he starts pretending and then he makes a hash out of it. Till he stays the arrogant, snooty man without any idea of the country he has lived in it’s a great book because he’s so truthful to who he is and he’s not pretending. Then from the second, third book he starts pretending.
The good think about Arundhati Roy, for instance, is that she’s not writing the second book. She knows what she could have told. And of course she got very lucky. And the same West that she barks against all the time is what is responsible for her success and it’s just that the dollars she makes are much bigger than O.P Vijayan, for instance, who is a Kerela writer. It’s the Booker prize. If she didn’t get the booker prize, who would know of Arundhati Roy!
She is bigger to a lot of illiterates than Phanishwar Nath Renu because she got the Booker prize, because she wrote in the language that colonized the world. The same colonization that she talks about, she a product of and she prospered because of. If she didn’t write in English, and wrote like Phanishwar Nath Renu who would know of her and call her to conferences to speak about the state of the world.
But again, that’s the contradiction – she’s brilliant. I am not saying that she’s not good.
That is the problem again about conversations today. I always have to talk in an either/or
I think she’s brilliant, but I think, she’s not the only person who is. There are many.
There is Shrilal Shukla who wrote Raag Darbari and Uday Prakash, who I feel is one of the great writers of our times.
A lot of people misunderstand politics. Sometimes people misunderstand that to be political, you have to join a political party. Being political is just being aware of how you are being controlled - whether it is for a woman, whether it is for a man, whether it is for anyone. If you have the knowledge of how you are being controlled, then you will be freer. And you should know how to escape. To be relatively free is the aspiration of mankind. You are never absolutely free. At all times, people want to be free, to be independent and to live their own lives. The tragedy with the human race is that when they become free they enslave others. They don’t understand that for everyone to be relatively free, every one has to make some sacrifice.
Whether you are controlled by the politburo, or you are controlled by the multinational, or you are controlled by religious system. All three are ways of enslavement. There are some people who use you for their own ends. And to be political is to understand that.
Do I think, generally speaking, that the Indian audience understands the experience of art?
I think the Indian audiences, for instance, when Kabir was born, understood art. Because art then was not some halo-ed notion, art then was about their own lives. Kabir’s art, the Indian audiences understood. And I don’t think today’s audiences understand films as well as Kabir’s audiences understood him.
Otherwise, if you don’t agree with what I say, then you are saying Kabir was not an artist.
So, at many times they have.
The Indian audiences, for example have understood the oral traditions very well.
Today they are being manipulated into saying, this is art and this is not. And I think, audiences should be left alone to their own notion of art. Everybody doesn’t have to appreciate everything. And today, also, I think the taste of a few is being imposed. To that set, bad art is very titillatory, just as inciting of communal passions is very easy.
Because human beings are not that evolved yet, I think to incite their basic passions is very easy and all manipulative art does that. Bad art, bad music, bad films, bad literature will always be more popular than things which are slightly more difficult and which ask of an audience to sit up and watch/listen with attention. And I think, if it was not for the vested interests, they would have evolved a lot more.
So, in between Indian cinema audiences of the 50s and now - came the gangster, the builder with his black money, and now comes the multinational with his dream of controlling the tastes of the world. In between all of that, came all those people who determined what was made.
And that is why I don’t think the State or the government needs to get into film making. What they need to ensure is democracy. What they need to ensure is that anyone can make a film. Then 90 percent of it will be crap. Or 95 percent will be crap. Just as 95 percent poetry is crap. Anybody, can write a book. But, five percent will be quite outstanding. And at any point, it’s only that five percent. Any point in history, its only 5 percent. If it’s five percent, it’s outstanding. It may even be one percent. 100 percent will never be. These are all notions. But, I think the government or people themselves, by becoming political have to ensure that for themselves.
Maybe the internet now will be the basis of that. Where you can deliver anything for everyone who is interested and technology which is now being used to, sometime enslave then will be a liberator as well. Who knows! I don’t have all the answers. I grapple with the same questions everyday. And I really think, the young should keep doing that and I seriously think it is the job of every, one young fortunate Indian who has access to all these things, to take 2-3 not so fortunate Indians and introduce and expose them to that and, who knows where the genius lies. I seriously think, since governments will fail, the new politics is that where people themselves take control of their lives and do what they can and not try and do what is ideal but do what they can.
And to all creative people who say that – ‘oh you are not joining the revolution’, screw the revolution…
Just do what you can!
here the director\screenplay writer of the movie ....sudhir mishra..the man who gave us Dharavi,yeh woh manzil to nahin n of course Hazaaron....himself shares his views on the society,indian cinema and parallel u read this u will be amazed by depth of his thoughts...
1.Popular Cinema
I personally think that most film makers in India are children and most films in India are childrens’ film and rather bad childrens’ films. Their notion of love is that of a fourteen year old. In all popular entertainment the notion of life is going retarded.
It’s an illusion which you make people buy into and you get rather hurt when they realize life is not like that. There’s very little difference between selling a fake notion of life and selling a fake product. It’s like advertising. You fall in love and you live happily ever after, is as stupid a notion as you use a fairness cream and you become fair. All are very idiotic notions, sold to the naive and people make a lot of money out of that.
If everything is about profit in its most crass sense and if the world is to be like that – then, great! But, I don’t think it is.
Don’t I sense a craving for popular cinema in the audiences?
Yes, I do see a craving for hope. There’s a craving for some kind of an illusionary world, because, to live with the real is very difficult. I might sound that I am very dismissive, but actually, they may be performing … and that’s why I am saying, I am trying not to bullshit and I am speaking as I think often.
When you bullshit, you also admit the possibility of being wrong. And I admit the possibility of being wrong.
And maybe popular cinema is helping them live their lives and to help pass another day and that may be a great service. It’s like religion. It’s like Sri Sri Ravishankar. I don’t know what he’s talking about half the time. Apparently he makes a lot of people happy, especially the guilty rich and who am I to say it’s wrong, when people find some solace there and find some reprieve there and find a way of life.
People, film makers or artists who probe uncomfortable truths – will never be popular.
2. Indian writing in English…
Everything is fine as long as you are truthful to your experience. I mean, for example Upamanyu Chatterjee’s book English August is the most arrogant piece of good writing that I’ve ever seen/read. The man is an absolute arrogant snoot who has no idea of anything else but his own life, but he writes it so well that the book becomes something. Because, he’s not pretending. In the end of the book, Upamanyu starts pretending- he starts thinking – ‘Oh how should I end my book, how should I make it socially relevant’ – he starts pretending and then he makes a hash out of it. Till he stays the arrogant, snooty man without any idea of the country he has lived in it’s a great book because he’s so truthful to who he is and he’s not pretending. Then from the second, third book he starts pretending.
The good think about Arundhati Roy, for instance, is that she’s not writing the second book. She knows what she could have told. And of course she got very lucky. And the same West that she barks against all the time is what is responsible for her success and it’s just that the dollars she makes are much bigger than O.P Vijayan, for instance, who is a Kerela writer. It’s the Booker prize. If she didn’t get the booker prize, who would know of Arundhati Roy!
She is bigger to a lot of illiterates than Phanishwar Nath Renu because she got the Booker prize, because she wrote in the language that colonized the world. The same colonization that she talks about, she a product of and she prospered because of. If she didn’t write in English, and wrote like Phanishwar Nath Renu who would know of her and call her to conferences to speak about the state of the world.
But again, that’s the contradiction – she’s brilliant. I am not saying that she’s not good.
That is the problem again about conversations today. I always have to talk in an either/or
I think she’s brilliant, but I think, she’s not the only person who is. There are many.
There is Shrilal Shukla who wrote Raag Darbari and Uday Prakash, who I feel is one of the great writers of our times.
A lot of people misunderstand politics. Sometimes people misunderstand that to be political, you have to join a political party. Being political is just being aware of how you are being controlled - whether it is for a woman, whether it is for a man, whether it is for anyone. If you have the knowledge of how you are being controlled, then you will be freer. And you should know how to escape. To be relatively free is the aspiration of mankind. You are never absolutely free. At all times, people want to be free, to be independent and to live their own lives. The tragedy with the human race is that when they become free they enslave others. They don’t understand that for everyone to be relatively free, every one has to make some sacrifice.
Whether you are controlled by the politburo, or you are controlled by the multinational, or you are controlled by religious system. All three are ways of enslavement. There are some people who use you for their own ends. And to be political is to understand that.
Do I think, generally speaking, that the Indian audience understands the experience of art?
I think the Indian audiences, for instance, when Kabir was born, understood art. Because art then was not some halo-ed notion, art then was about their own lives. Kabir’s art, the Indian audiences understood. And I don’t think today’s audiences understand films as well as Kabir’s audiences understood him.
Otherwise, if you don’t agree with what I say, then you are saying Kabir was not an artist.
So, at many times they have.
The Indian audiences, for example have understood the oral traditions very well.
Today they are being manipulated into saying, this is art and this is not. And I think, audiences should be left alone to their own notion of art. Everybody doesn’t have to appreciate everything. And today, also, I think the taste of a few is being imposed. To that set, bad art is very titillatory, just as inciting of communal passions is very easy.
Because human beings are not that evolved yet, I think to incite their basic passions is very easy and all manipulative art does that. Bad art, bad music, bad films, bad literature will always be more popular than things which are slightly more difficult and which ask of an audience to sit up and watch/listen with attention. And I think, if it was not for the vested interests, they would have evolved a lot more.
So, in between Indian cinema audiences of the 50s and now - came the gangster, the builder with his black money, and now comes the multinational with his dream of controlling the tastes of the world. In between all of that, came all those people who determined what was made.
And that is why I don’t think the State or the government needs to get into film making. What they need to ensure is democracy. What they need to ensure is that anyone can make a film. Then 90 percent of it will be crap. Or 95 percent will be crap. Just as 95 percent poetry is crap. Anybody, can write a book. But, five percent will be quite outstanding. And at any point, it’s only that five percent. Any point in history, its only 5 percent. If it’s five percent, it’s outstanding. It may even be one percent. 100 percent will never be. These are all notions. But, I think the government or people themselves, by becoming political have to ensure that for themselves.
Maybe the internet now will be the basis of that. Where you can deliver anything for everyone who is interested and technology which is now being used to, sometime enslave then will be a liberator as well. Who knows! I don’t have all the answers. I grapple with the same questions everyday. And I really think, the young should keep doing that and I seriously think it is the job of every, one young fortunate Indian who has access to all these things, to take 2-3 not so fortunate Indians and introduce and expose them to that and, who knows where the genius lies. I seriously think, since governments will fail, the new politics is that where people themselves take control of their lives and do what they can and not try and do what is ideal but do what they can.
And to all creative people who say that – ‘oh you are not joining the revolution’, screw the revolution…
Just do what you can!
the father of all blogs...!
dump my blog...dont read all the pseudo-honey-dripping....emotional jelly beans written by me....but if ever in your life u wanted to read one blog...
then it has to be....
i am posting the the articles on mithunda n gunda....
read the philosphy of movie gunda.......!....
its an honour being a fan of this blog....
then it has to be....
i am posting the the articles on mithunda n gunda....
read the philosphy of movie gunda.......!....
its an honour being a fan of this blog....
playing at a theater near you...
check out this brilliant piece by thomas friedman in new york times on the crisis in islam...rhetoric,poise,reason.this article has it all...NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL WRITING...!!!
Repost from the NYTimes
I knew something was up when I couldn't get a cab. Then there were sirens and helicopters whirring overhead. I stopped a passerby to ask what was going on. He said something about a car bomb outside a disco six blocks from my hotel. A few hours later, I finally found a taxi. The driver warned me that it was nearly impossible to get across town. Another bomb had been uncovered in a car park. Next day, more news: a suicide bomber had driven his Jeep into an airport and jumped out, his body on fire, screaming "Allah! Allah!"
Where was I? Baghdad? Kabul? Tel Aviv? No, I was in England. But it could have been anywhere. The Middle East: Now playing at a theater near you.
But this movie gets more confusing every time you watch it. When you watched it on 9/11 it was about America's presence in the heart of Arabia. And when you watched it on 7/7 it was about unemployed and alienated Muslim youth in Britain. In Jordan not long ago it was about a wedding at a Western hotel. In Morocco recently it was about an Internet cafe. And two days ago in Yemen it was about seven Spanish tourists who were killed when a suicide bomber drove into them at a local tourist site. Wasn't Spain the country that quit Iraq to get its people out of the line of fire?
Because these incidents are scattered, we're growing numb to just how crazy they are. In the past few years, hundreds of Muslims have committed suicide amid innocent civilians - without making any concrete political demands and without generating any vigorous, sustained condemnation in the Muslim world.
Two trends are at work here: humiliation and atomization. Islam's self- identity is that it is the most perfect and complete expression of God's monotheistic message, and the Koran is God's last and most perfect word. To put it another way, young Muslims are raised on the view that Islam is God 3.0. Christianity is God 2.0. Judaism is God 1.0. And Hinduism and all others are God 0.0.
One of the factors driving Muslim males, particularly educated ones, into these acts of extreme, expressive violence is that while they were taught that they have the most perfect and complete operating system, every day they're confronted with the reality that people living by God 2.0., God 1.0 and God 0.0 are generally living much more prosperously, powerfully and democratically than those living under Islam. This creates a real dissonance and humiliation. How could this be? Who did this to us? The Crusaders! The Jews! The West! It can never be something that they failed to learn, adapt to or build. This humiliation produces a lashing out.
In the old days, you needed a terror infrastructure with bases in Beirut or Afghanistan to lash out in a big way. Not anymore. Now all you need is the virtual Afghanistan - the Internet and a few cellphones - to recruit, indoctrinate, plan and execute. Hence, the atomization - little terror groups sprouting everywhere. Everyone now has a starter kit.
Gen. Michael Hayden, the C.I.A. director, recently noted in a speech that during the cold war "the enemy was easy to find, but hard to finish," because the Soviet Union was so big and powerful. "Intelligence was important" back then, he added, "but it was overshadowed by the need for sheer firepower."
In today's war against terrorist groups, said General Hayden, "it's just the opposite. Our enemy is easy to finish, but hard to find. Today, we are looking for individuals or small groups planning suicide bombings, running violent Jihadist Web sites, sending foreign fighters into Iraq."
I'd go one step further. The Soviet Union was easy to find and hard to kill, but once it died, it was dead forever. It had no regenerative power because it had no popular base. The terrorists of Iraq or London are hard to find, easy to kill, but very difficult to eliminate. New recruits just keep sprouting.
Of course, not all Muslims are terrorists. But it's been widely noted that virtually all suicide terrorists today are Muslims. Angry Norwegians aren't doing this - nor are starving Africans or unemployed Mexicans. Muslims have got to understand that a death cult has taken root in the bosom of their religion, feeding off it like a cancerous tumor.
This cancer is erasing basic norms of civilization. In Iraq, we've seen suicide bombers blow up funerals and schools. In England, seven out of the eight people detained in the latest plot are Muslim doctors or medical students. Doctors plotting mass murder? Could that be? If Muslim leaders don't remove this cancer - and only they can - it will spread, tainting innocent Muslims and poisoning their relations with each other and the world.
Thomas L. Friedman
Repost from the NYTimes
I knew something was up when I couldn't get a cab. Then there were sirens and helicopters whirring overhead. I stopped a passerby to ask what was going on. He said something about a car bomb outside a disco six blocks from my hotel. A few hours later, I finally found a taxi. The driver warned me that it was nearly impossible to get across town. Another bomb had been uncovered in a car park. Next day, more news: a suicide bomber had driven his Jeep into an airport and jumped out, his body on fire, screaming "Allah! Allah!"
Where was I? Baghdad? Kabul? Tel Aviv? No, I was in England. But it could have been anywhere. The Middle East: Now playing at a theater near you.
But this movie gets more confusing every time you watch it. When you watched it on 9/11 it was about America's presence in the heart of Arabia. And when you watched it on 7/7 it was about unemployed and alienated Muslim youth in Britain. In Jordan not long ago it was about a wedding at a Western hotel. In Morocco recently it was about an Internet cafe. And two days ago in Yemen it was about seven Spanish tourists who were killed when a suicide bomber drove into them at a local tourist site. Wasn't Spain the country that quit Iraq to get its people out of the line of fire?
Because these incidents are scattered, we're growing numb to just how crazy they are. In the past few years, hundreds of Muslims have committed suicide amid innocent civilians - without making any concrete political demands and without generating any vigorous, sustained condemnation in the Muslim world.
Two trends are at work here: humiliation and atomization. Islam's self- identity is that it is the most perfect and complete expression of God's monotheistic message, and the Koran is God's last and most perfect word. To put it another way, young Muslims are raised on the view that Islam is God 3.0. Christianity is God 2.0. Judaism is God 1.0. And Hinduism and all others are God 0.0.
One of the factors driving Muslim males, particularly educated ones, into these acts of extreme, expressive violence is that while they were taught that they have the most perfect and complete operating system, every day they're confronted with the reality that people living by God 2.0., God 1.0 and God 0.0 are generally living much more prosperously, powerfully and democratically than those living under Islam. This creates a real dissonance and humiliation. How could this be? Who did this to us? The Crusaders! The Jews! The West! It can never be something that they failed to learn, adapt to or build. This humiliation produces a lashing out.
In the old days, you needed a terror infrastructure with bases in Beirut or Afghanistan to lash out in a big way. Not anymore. Now all you need is the virtual Afghanistan - the Internet and a few cellphones - to recruit, indoctrinate, plan and execute. Hence, the atomization - little terror groups sprouting everywhere. Everyone now has a starter kit.
Gen. Michael Hayden, the C.I.A. director, recently noted in a speech that during the cold war "the enemy was easy to find, but hard to finish," because the Soviet Union was so big and powerful. "Intelligence was important" back then, he added, "but it was overshadowed by the need for sheer firepower."
In today's war against terrorist groups, said General Hayden, "it's just the opposite. Our enemy is easy to finish, but hard to find. Today, we are looking for individuals or small groups planning suicide bombings, running violent Jihadist Web sites, sending foreign fighters into Iraq."
I'd go one step further. The Soviet Union was easy to find and hard to kill, but once it died, it was dead forever. It had no regenerative power because it had no popular base. The terrorists of Iraq or London are hard to find, easy to kill, but very difficult to eliminate. New recruits just keep sprouting.
Of course, not all Muslims are terrorists. But it's been widely noted that virtually all suicide terrorists today are Muslims. Angry Norwegians aren't doing this - nor are starving Africans or unemployed Mexicans. Muslims have got to understand that a death cult has taken root in the bosom of their religion, feeding off it like a cancerous tumor.
This cancer is erasing basic norms of civilization. In Iraq, we've seen suicide bombers blow up funerals and schools. In England, seven out of the eight people detained in the latest plot are Muslim doctors or medical students. Doctors plotting mass murder? Could that be? If Muslim leaders don't remove this cancer - and only they can - it will spread, tainting innocent Muslims and poisoning their relations with each other and the world.
Thomas L. Friedman
sharaab...(by my friend somen mishraa...) wine in old bottle...!
मैं शराब नहीं पीता । ऐसे में यार दोस्तों की महफिल में मेरे होने या ना होने से ज्यादा फर्क नहीं पडता । मिल बैठने की बात हो तो सब एक राग अलापते हैं - यार तू तो पीता भी नहीं है । क्या करेंगे मिल बैठकर ?
कुछ समय से मैंने कोला पीना भी बंद कर दिया है । वरना पहले वो शराब लेते तो मैं कोला के ग्लास को लेकर चीयर्स कहता । हमेशा इस कोशिश में भी जुटा रहता हुँ की कुछ दोस्त जैसे-तैसे मेरे गुट में शामिल हो जाए । पर अब तक सब नाकाम । साथ ही कवियों और शायरों ने शराब को जिस तरह से “romanticise” किया है वहाँ मेरी क्या चलेगी । पर अजीब बात ये है कि हर शराबी के तर्क लगभग एक से हैं । मेरी कुछ नाकामयाब कोशिशें॰॰॰॰॰॰॰
पहला पेग़….
मैं : इतनी ज़ल्दी मरने का इरादा क्यों है ? क्या करोगे इतनी शराब पी कर ?वो : तुम क्या करोगे इतनी लम्बी ज़िन्दगी जी कर ?
दूसरा पेग़…..
मैं : ये escapist attitude है । तुम ज़िन्दगी से भाग रहे हो ।वो : तुम भी तो ज़िन्दगी मे भाग ही रहे हो । कहीं पहुँच भी रहे हो ?
तीसरा पेग़…..
मैं : खुशी में दारु, ग़म में दारु। कुछ काम बन जाए तो दारु , काम न बने तो दारु , बहुत ज़्यादा काम हो तो दारु , कुछ काम न हो तो भी दारु । तुम्हें बस पीने का एक बहाना चाहिए ।वो : तुम भी तो जीने का बस एक बहाना ही ढुंढ रहे हो । मिल जाए तो बता देना ।
मैं : यूं घुट-घुटकर मरने का क्या फायदा ?वो : यूं घुट-घुटकर जीने का क्या है फलसफा ?
चौथा पेग़……
मैं : अपनी नहीं तो घरवालों की सोचो । उन्हें पता चलेगा तो कितना दुखी होंगे ।वो : दुखी तो मैं भी हुँ । कम से कम ये तो नहीं पता है उन्हें । वरना और दुखी होगें ।
नई बोतल……
मैं : अब बस भी करो । आज बहुत पी चुके तुम ।वो : तुम girlfriend मत बनो । यार तुम दोस्त हो दोस्त ही रहो ।
आपके पास कोइ और तर्क है क्या
मैं शराब नहीं पीता । ऐसे में यार दोस्तों की महफिल में मेरे होने या ना होने से ज्यादा फर्क नहीं पडता । मिल बैठने की बात हो तो सब एक राग अलापते हैं - यार तू तो पीता भी नहीं है । क्या करेंगे मिल बैठकर ?
कुछ समय से मैंने कोला पीना भी बंद कर दिया है । वरना पहले वो शराब लेते तो मैं कोला के ग्लास को लेकर चीयर्स कहता । हमेशा इस कोशिश में भी जुटा रहता हुँ की कुछ दोस्त जैसे-तैसे मेरे गुट में शामिल हो जाए । पर अब तक सब नाकाम । साथ ही कवियों और शायरों ने शराब को जिस तरह से “romanticise” किया है वहाँ मेरी क्या चलेगी । पर अजीब बात ये है कि हर शराबी के तर्क लगभग एक से हैं । मेरी कुछ नाकामयाब कोशिशें॰॰॰॰॰॰॰
पहला पेग़….
मैं : इतनी ज़ल्दी मरने का इरादा क्यों है ? क्या करोगे इतनी शराब पी कर ?वो : तुम क्या करोगे इतनी लम्बी ज़िन्दगी जी कर ?
दूसरा पेग़…..
मैं : ये escapist attitude है । तुम ज़िन्दगी से भाग रहे हो ।वो : तुम भी तो ज़िन्दगी मे भाग ही रहे हो । कहीं पहुँच भी रहे हो ?
तीसरा पेग़…..
मैं : खुशी में दारु, ग़म में दारु। कुछ काम बन जाए तो दारु , काम न बने तो दारु , बहुत ज़्यादा काम हो तो दारु , कुछ काम न हो तो भी दारु । तुम्हें बस पीने का एक बहाना चाहिए ।वो : तुम भी तो जीने का बस एक बहाना ही ढुंढ रहे हो । मिल जाए तो बता देना ।
मैं : यूं घुट-घुटकर मरने का क्या फायदा ?वो : यूं घुट-घुटकर जीने का क्या है फलसफा ?
चौथा पेग़……
मैं : अपनी नहीं तो घरवालों की सोचो । उन्हें पता चलेगा तो कितना दुखी होंगे ।वो : दुखी तो मैं भी हुँ । कम से कम ये तो नहीं पता है उन्हें । वरना और दुखी होगें ।
नई बोतल……
मैं : अब बस भी करो । आज बहुत पी चुके तुम ।वो : तुम girlfriend मत बनो । यार तुम दोस्त हो दोस्त ही रहो ।
आपके पास कोइ और तर्क है क्या
the song of the blind street...
there comes a moment in your life which offers you a choice...either to merge with the mob ;celebrate mediocrity and walksecurely on the obsecure blind street or to tread the uncharted whims of your personal faith. where the crowd hates your guts and is out there to consume you...where you are not sure that your every step is towards the glory or the gutter....the problem then is not of intelligence but of courage...Life may be secure on the blind street..but it is ugly and rat on the blind street wants to show you precisely this...
I look for faith which is not there
I shrink wth fear which is everywhere
I have no guts, i need a kick in my butts
to walk on virgin roads of grasses and weed..
As i walk with the crowd on the blind street...
I know i am losing myself in the crowd
And i am doing my mamma no more proud
But i don't have the limbs of courage and heat
I am a slithery reptile of the blind street...
I know there are a thousand suns
that await me at those hundred turns
But i walk straight with the Mob in steps so indiscreet
I am the coolest Zombie of the blind street ...
The street is wide and roads are plain
..SO what if they lead to destination profane
Just driving each one at others' pace I no longer hate my buddy rats...and the RAT RACE
FOR i just love the song of the PIPER..and its raunchy beat
....I am a blind rat dancing on the blind street
So what if i don't know about my rudders,
At least i push somebody and he pushes some others
They feed me their wholeness, i sell them my soul,
THe vulgar symbiosis for the blind goal
Just feasting on fear and valour's dead meat..
there comes a moment in your life which offers you a choice...either to merge with the mob ;celebrate mediocrity and walksecurely on the obsecure blind street or to tread the uncharted whims of your personal faith. where the crowd hates your guts and is out there to consume you...where you are not sure that your every step is towards the glory or the gutter....the problem then is not of intelligence but of courage...Life may be secure on the blind street..but it is ugly and rat on the blind street wants to show you precisely this...
I look for faith which is not there
I shrink wth fear which is everywhere
I have no guts, i need a kick in my butts
to walk on virgin roads of grasses and weed..
As i walk with the crowd on the blind street...
I know i am losing myself in the crowd
And i am doing my mamma no more proud
But i don't have the limbs of courage and heat
I am a slithery reptile of the blind street...
I know there are a thousand suns
that await me at those hundred turns
But i walk straight with the Mob in steps so indiscreet
I am the coolest Zombie of the blind street ...
The street is wide and roads are plain
..SO what if they lead to destination profane
Just driving each one at others' pace I no longer hate my buddy rats...and the RAT RACE
FOR i just love the song of the PIPER..and its raunchy beat
....I am a blind rat dancing on the blind street
So what if i don't know about my rudders,
At least i push somebody and he pushes some others
They feed me their wholeness, i sell them my soul,
THe vulgar symbiosis for the blind goal
Just feasting on fear and valour's dead meat..
the SHOW....!!
Fading eyes, dry hair, broken skin
Something, somewhere, someone's committing a sin
Blood, tears, water flows
Someone plays, acts the show
Life, death, last breath
Together, parted, no one met
Mothers, daughters, sons cry
Friends, fathers, lovers say good-bye
Economics, history, politics too
Grey, red, they are all you
Tortured, murdered, someone screams
Sweat, words, shattered dreams
A sniff, a cry, a strong breeze
A smashed head, broken bones, all with such ease
Movies, poetry, love songs
Streets, dumps, where do they belong?
Last act, climax, curtain call
Flying, crawling, we all fall
Something, somewhere, someone's committing a sin
Blood, tears, water flows
Someone plays, acts the show
Life, death, last breath
Together, parted, no one met
Mothers, daughters, sons cry
Friends, fathers, lovers say good-bye
Economics, history, politics too
Grey, red, they are all you
Tortured, murdered, someone screams
Sweat, words, shattered dreams
A sniff, a cry, a strong breeze
A smashed head, broken bones, all with such ease
Movies, poetry, love songs
Streets, dumps, where do they belong?
Last act, climax, curtain call
Flying, crawling, we all fall
After a while you will learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
You learn that love doesnot means leaning and company doesnot means security.
You learn that kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises.
You begin to accept your defeats with
your heads up and eyes open;with a grace of an adult and not a grief of a child.
You learn to bulid your roads on today 'cos tomorrows grounds are two uncertain for plans.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if u get too much.
so u plant your own garden, decorate your own soul;
instead of waiting for somebody to bring you flowers.....
You learn that love doesnot means leaning and company doesnot means security.
You learn that kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises.
You begin to accept your defeats with
your heads up and eyes open;with a grace of an adult and not a grief of a child.
You learn to bulid your roads on today 'cos tomorrows grounds are two uncertain for plans.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if u get too much.
so u plant your own garden, decorate your own soul;
instead of waiting for somebody to bring you flowers.....
catch the flutter of words n read aloud as they flow with wild abandon this poem...touche...!
मेरी खामोशियों में भी फसाना ढूंढ लेती है
बड़ी शातिर है ये दुनिया बहाना ढूंढ लेती है
हकीकत जिद किए बैठी है चकनाचूर करने को
मगर हर आंख फिर सपना सुहाना ढूंढ लेती है
न चिडि़या की कमाई है न कारोबार है कोई
वो केवल हौसले से आबोदाना ढूंढ लेती है
समझ पाई न दुनिया मस्लहत मंसूर की अब तक
जो सूली पर भी हंसना मुस्कुराना ढूंढ लेती है
उठाती है जो खतरा हर कदम पर डूब जाने का
वही कोशिश समन्दर में खजाना ढूंढ लेती है
जुनूं मंजिल का, राहों में बचाता है भटकने से
मेरी दीवानगी अपना ठिकाना ढूंढ लेती है
मेरी खामोशियों में भी फसाना ढूंढ लेती है
बड़ी शातिर है ये दुनिया बहाना ढूंढ लेती है
हकीकत जिद किए बैठी है चकनाचूर करने को
मगर हर आंख फिर सपना सुहाना ढूंढ लेती है
न चिडि़या की कमाई है न कारोबार है कोई
वो केवल हौसले से आबोदाना ढूंढ लेती है
समझ पाई न दुनिया मस्लहत मंसूर की अब तक
जो सूली पर भी हंसना मुस्कुराना ढूंढ लेती है
उठाती है जो खतरा हर कदम पर डूब जाने का
वही कोशिश समन्दर में खजाना ढूंढ लेती है
जुनूं मंजिल का, राहों में बचाता है भटकने से
मेरी दीवानगी अपना ठिकाना ढूंढ लेती है
date with george carlin...
George Dennis Carlin was born May 12, 1937 in New York City and for the last 47 years he’s been doing stand-up comedy better than anyone else on the planet. In the process he’s pissed off a lot of people and accumulated some of funniest, and most controversial, quotes known to man. Even a list of 101 quotes is just scratching the surface. In no particular order here are his 101 best…
I don’t have pet peeves — I have major psychotic fucking hatreds!
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
Swimming is not a sport. Swimming is a way to keep from drowning. That’s just common sense!
A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.
Have you ever noticed that their stuff is shit and your shit is stuff?
I wanna live. I don’t wanna die. That’s the whole meaning of life: Not dying! I figured that shit out by myself in the third grade.
I used to be Irish Catholic. Now I’m an American — you know, you grow.
You can’t fight City Hall, but you can goddamn sure blow it up.
If the Cincinnati Reds were really the first major league baseball team, who did they play?
Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.
If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
No one knows what’s next, but everybody does it.
There are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are seven you can’t say on television. What a ratio that is! 399,993 to 7. They must really be baaaad. They must be OUTRAGEOUS to be separated from a group that large. “All of you words over here, you seven….baaaad words.” That’s what they told us, right? …You know the seven, don’t ya? That you can’t say on TV? Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits.
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”
The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.
Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it.
Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man…living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you and he needs money.
Weather forecast for tonight: Dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.
If it requires a uniform, it’s a worthless endeavor.
If you live long enough, sooner or later everybody you know has cancer.
You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans.
Soft rock music isn’t rock, and it ain’t music. It’s just soft.
Reminds me of something my third-grade teacher said to us. She said, “You show me a tropical fruit and I’ll show you a cocksucker from Guatemala.”
As soon as someone is identified as an unsung hero, he no longer is.
If a movie is described as a romantic comedy, you can usually find me next door playing pinball.
The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.
I knew a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary.
I put a dollar in a change machine. Nothing changed.
If you’ve got a cat and a leg, you’ve got a happy cat. If you’ve got a cat and two legs, you’ve got a party.
You can prick your finger — just don’t finger your prick.
By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.
Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac?
Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do “practice”?
I don’t like to think of laws as rules you have to follow, but more as suggestions.
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front-row seat.
Eventually, alas, I realized the main purpose of buying cocaine is to run out of it.
I never fucked a ten, but one night, I fucked five twos.
I never joined the Boy Scouts. I don’t trust any organization that has a handbook.
I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a man nailed to two pieces of wood.
Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place? There’s such balance in nature.
So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.
Catholic — which I was until I reached the age of reason.
Here’s a bumper sticker I’d like to see: “We are the proud parents of a child who’s self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn’t need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car.”
I love and treasure individuals as I meet them; I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.
Beethoven was so hard of hearing, he thought he was a painter.
Don Ho can sign autographs 3.4 times faster than Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
God bless the homicidal maniacs. They make life worthwhile.
I’ve never seen a homeless guy with a bottle of Gatorade.
One great thing about getting old is that you can get out of all sorts of social obligations just by saying you’re too tired.
If Helen Keller had psychic ability, would you say she had a fourth sense?
What year did Jesus think it was?
George Washington’s brother, Lawrence, was the Uncle of Our Country.
Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It’s because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time.
In America, anyone can become president. That’s the problem.
Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age. Then you’re just what they’re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.
“One thing leads to another”? Not always. Sometimes one thing leads to the same thing. Ask an addict.
No one who has had “Taps” played for them has ever been able to hear it.
Property is theft. Nobody “owns” anything. When you die, it all stays here.
The best thing about living at the water’s edge: You only have assholes on three sides of you, and if they come this way you can hear them splash.
The future will soon be a thing of the past.
The planet is fine. The people are fucked.
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.
Boxing is a more sophisticated form of hockey.
The only good thing ever to come out of religion was the music.
I think everyone should treat one another in a Christian manner. I will not, however, be responsible for the consequences.
Bowling is not a sport because you have to rent the shoes.
“When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?” This title offends all three major religions, and even vegetarians!
Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself.
And now, in the interest of equal time, here is a message from the National Institute of Pancakes: It reads, and I quote, “Fuck waffles.”
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
Whoever coined the term “Buyer Beware” was probably bleeding from the asshole.
Cloud nine gets all the publicity, but cloud eight actually is cheaper, less crowded, and has a better view.
Have you ever noticed that the lawyer always smiles more than the client?
I’m always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realize I’m listening to it.
Just think, right now as you read this, some guy somewhere is gettin’ ready to hang himself.
The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.
If all our national holidays were observed on Wednesdays, we could wind up with nine-day weekends.
“Meow” means “woof” in cat.
Most people with low self-esteem have earned it.
Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.
“No comment” is a comment.
If a man smiles all the time, he’s probably selling something that doesn’t work.
You can’t argue with a good blowjob.
Most of the time people feel okay. Probably it’s because at the moment they’re not actually dying.
So far, this is the oldest I’ve been.
Instead of warning pregnant women not to drink, I think female alcoholics ought to be told not to fuck.
Do you think Sammy Davis ate Junior Mints?
When you think about it, attention-deficit order makes a lot of sense. In this country there isn’t a lot worth paying attention to.
The Golden Gate Bridge should have a long bungee cord for people who aren’t quite ready to commit suicide but want to get in a little practice.
I think I am, therefore, I am. I think.
If the cops didn’t see it, I didn’t do it!
Hooray for most things!
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
I don’t have a fear of heights. I do, however, have a fear of falling from heights.
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
Life is a zero sum game.
Somehow I enjoy watching people suffer.
I have as much authority as the Pope. I just don’t have as many people who believe it.
It isn’t fair: the caterpillar does all the work, and the butterfly gets all the glory.
I don’t have pet peeves — I have major psychotic fucking hatreds!
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
Swimming is not a sport. Swimming is a way to keep from drowning. That’s just common sense!
A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.
Have you ever noticed that their stuff is shit and your shit is stuff?
I wanna live. I don’t wanna die. That’s the whole meaning of life: Not dying! I figured that shit out by myself in the third grade.
I used to be Irish Catholic. Now I’m an American — you know, you grow.
You can’t fight City Hall, but you can goddamn sure blow it up.
If the Cincinnati Reds were really the first major league baseball team, who did they play?
Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.
If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
No one knows what’s next, but everybody does it.
There are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are seven you can’t say on television. What a ratio that is! 399,993 to 7. They must really be baaaad. They must be OUTRAGEOUS to be separated from a group that large. “All of you words over here, you seven….baaaad words.” That’s what they told us, right? …You know the seven, don’t ya? That you can’t say on TV? Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits.
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”
The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.
Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it.
Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man…living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you and he needs money.
Weather forecast for tonight: Dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.
If it requires a uniform, it’s a worthless endeavor.
If you live long enough, sooner or later everybody you know has cancer.
You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans.
Soft rock music isn’t rock, and it ain’t music. It’s just soft.
Reminds me of something my third-grade teacher said to us. She said, “You show me a tropical fruit and I’ll show you a cocksucker from Guatemala.”
As soon as someone is identified as an unsung hero, he no longer is.
If a movie is described as a romantic comedy, you can usually find me next door playing pinball.
The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.
I knew a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary.
I put a dollar in a change machine. Nothing changed.
If you’ve got a cat and a leg, you’ve got a happy cat. If you’ve got a cat and two legs, you’ve got a party.
You can prick your finger — just don’t finger your prick.
By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.
Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac?
Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do “practice”?
I don’t like to think of laws as rules you have to follow, but more as suggestions.
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front-row seat.
Eventually, alas, I realized the main purpose of buying cocaine is to run out of it.
I never fucked a ten, but one night, I fucked five twos.
I never joined the Boy Scouts. I don’t trust any organization that has a handbook.
I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a man nailed to two pieces of wood.
Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place? There’s such balance in nature.
So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.
Catholic — which I was until I reached the age of reason.
Here’s a bumper sticker I’d like to see: “We are the proud parents of a child who’s self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn’t need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car.”
I love and treasure individuals as I meet them; I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.
Beethoven was so hard of hearing, he thought he was a painter.
Don Ho can sign autographs 3.4 times faster than Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
God bless the homicidal maniacs. They make life worthwhile.
I’ve never seen a homeless guy with a bottle of Gatorade.
One great thing about getting old is that you can get out of all sorts of social obligations just by saying you’re too tired.
If Helen Keller had psychic ability, would you say she had a fourth sense?
What year did Jesus think it was?
George Washington’s brother, Lawrence, was the Uncle of Our Country.
Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It’s because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time.
In America, anyone can become president. That’s the problem.
Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age. Then you’re just what they’re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.
“One thing leads to another”? Not always. Sometimes one thing leads to the same thing. Ask an addict.
No one who has had “Taps” played for them has ever been able to hear it.
Property is theft. Nobody “owns” anything. When you die, it all stays here.
The best thing about living at the water’s edge: You only have assholes on three sides of you, and if they come this way you can hear them splash.
The future will soon be a thing of the past.
The planet is fine. The people are fucked.
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.
Boxing is a more sophisticated form of hockey.
The only good thing ever to come out of religion was the music.
I think everyone should treat one another in a Christian manner. I will not, however, be responsible for the consequences.
Bowling is not a sport because you have to rent the shoes.
“When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?” This title offends all three major religions, and even vegetarians!
Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself.
And now, in the interest of equal time, here is a message from the National Institute of Pancakes: It reads, and I quote, “Fuck waffles.”
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
Whoever coined the term “Buyer Beware” was probably bleeding from the asshole.
Cloud nine gets all the publicity, but cloud eight actually is cheaper, less crowded, and has a better view.
Have you ever noticed that the lawyer always smiles more than the client?
I’m always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realize I’m listening to it.
Just think, right now as you read this, some guy somewhere is gettin’ ready to hang himself.
The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.
If all our national holidays were observed on Wednesdays, we could wind up with nine-day weekends.
“Meow” means “woof” in cat.
Most people with low self-esteem have earned it.
Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.
“No comment” is a comment.
If a man smiles all the time, he’s probably selling something that doesn’t work.
You can’t argue with a good blowjob.
Most of the time people feel okay. Probably it’s because at the moment they’re not actually dying.
So far, this is the oldest I’ve been.
Instead of warning pregnant women not to drink, I think female alcoholics ought to be told not to fuck.
Do you think Sammy Davis ate Junior Mints?
When you think about it, attention-deficit order makes a lot of sense. In this country there isn’t a lot worth paying attention to.
The Golden Gate Bridge should have a long bungee cord for people who aren’t quite ready to commit suicide but want to get in a little practice.
I think I am, therefore, I am. I think.
If the cops didn’t see it, I didn’t do it!
Hooray for most things!
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
I don’t have a fear of heights. I do, however, have a fear of falling from heights.
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
Life is a zero sum game.
Somehow I enjoy watching people suffer.
I have as much authority as the Pope. I just don’t have as many people who believe it.
It isn’t fair: the caterpillar does all the work, and the butterfly gets all the glory.
the life n times of .pom( courtesy somen mishra..)
Bas teen lakeerein moti-moti,
baaki saari dubli,patli aur chhotee
kul milaakar bas ek mutthi bhar,
par badaa garv hai inko apne par..
kab janma tha,kahaan maroonga,
kiski khaatir kya kar gujroonga..
awaara ya beghar rahoonga,
ya sheeshe ka mahal gadhoonga..
kehte hain sab inhe pata hai...
iss mutthi me sab likkha hai..!
as u can see am a passionate trapeze actor performing on strings of karma,fate n words.. am generally caught in 'busy'ness of life as most of u are...but sometimes i stop just to admire the mysteries n wonders of this beautiful imperfect friends thanks for loggin into .pom n sharin my pom-mystery..would love to share ur sweet secrets anyone.!!
baaki saari dubli,patli aur chhotee
kul milaakar bas ek mutthi bhar,
par badaa garv hai inko apne par..
kab janma tha,kahaan maroonga,
kiski khaatir kya kar gujroonga..
awaara ya beghar rahoonga,
ya sheeshe ka mahal gadhoonga..
kehte hain sab inhe pata hai...
iss mutthi me sab likkha hai..!
as u can see am a passionate trapeze actor performing on strings of karma,fate n words.. am generally caught in 'busy'ness of life as most of u are...but sometimes i stop just to admire the mysteries n wonders of this beautiful imperfect friends thanks for loggin into .pom n sharin my pom-mystery..would love to share ur sweet secrets anyone.!!
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